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Chapter 7 - Finding/Buffer

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Even though this is a very short chapter, I thought it valuable as it helps to introduce the next chapter on multi-cursors a little bit better.

Find word and add to buffer Windowsctrl+F3

Let’s open by pressing ctrl + shift + n and look for the word “Martians” in the first sentence.

Select this word by pressing ctrl + w, then press ctrl + F3 once. Now the word “Martians” has been added to our Find Buffer. We can easily find the next occurrence of this word by pressing F3.

Find next/previous occurrence from buffer WindowsF3 / shift +F3

See what happens when you keep on pressing F3. If all goes well, your cursor should start iterating through all occurrences of the selected word. Conversely, using shift + F3 allows you to backtrack through the usages (aka. “find previous”)

Now open, position your cursor on 13:33 (line number 13, character number 13) using ctrl + g. Next, select the . and press ctrl + F3.

Exercise: Find the next ..

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