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- ⌘+c, ⌘+v
- Keep your hands on your keyboard
- How to look up any actions’ shortcut ⌘+shift+a, double shift
- IntelliJ’s Productivity Guide
- Indenting, formatting with
, ⌃ + ⌥ + l
- Auto-indent with ⌃ + ⌥ + l
- Undo, Redo ctrl+z
- Word-skipping ⌥ + arrows
- Begin/End of Line ⌘ + →/←
- CamelHumps (+ how to toggle)
- Jumping methods ⌃ + Shift + ↓/↑
- Jump to “error” F2
- Jump into ⌘ ( + ⌥) + b
- History and its importance ⌘ + ⌥ + ←/→
- Jump to last edit position ⌘ + shift + backspace
- Show in Project ⌥ + F1
- More navigational goodness: code hierarchy transversal
- Jump to line ⌘ + l (example with paste from stacktrace)
- Navigate to method ⌘ + F12
- Move + Select ⌘, shift + arrows
- Expand Selection ⌥ + ↑
- Using Selection to help Navigation (e.g. Fluent API)
- Wrapping (IntelliJ feature)
- Duplicate line
- Yank ⌘ + backspace
- Moving lines with and without constraints ⌥ + shift + ↑/↓ vs. shift + ⌘ + ↑/↓
- Start new line shift + enter
- Join lines ⌃ + shift + j
- Opening/Closing (Toggling) ⌘
- Switching tabs ⌘ + shift + [/]
- Navigation from Embedded Windows ⌥ + enter vs. ⌘ + ↑
- Why resizing is for dummies shift + ⌘ + F12
- IntelliJ’s Auto-correct ⌃ + ⇑ + ↵︎
- Autocomplete ⌃ + Space vs. ⌃ + Shift + Space
- QuickFix (:bulb:) ⌥ + enter
- Creating stuff ⌘ + N
- Deleting stuff Shift + Delete
- View JavaDoc F1
- View parameters ⌘ + P
- Find word and add to buffer ⌘ + G
- Find next/previous occurrence from buffer kbd>⌘</kbd> + G / kbd>⌘</kbd> + shift + G
- Toggle Column Mode ⌘ + shift + 8
- ⌃ + g, ⌃ + shift + g and ⌘ + ⌃ + g
- Various use cases